welcome to The Italian Day Centre
Supporting Tasmanians who are eligible for the following programs, (Commonwealth Home Support Programme/CHSP, Home and Community Care/HACC, National Disability Insurance Scheme/NDIS) including their carers, to continue to live independently in their own homes and to remain connected to their community. Our fresh home meal delivery, Day Centres and social support programmes are available to residents of Greater Hobart, Launceston and their regions.
We offer Fresh Delivered Meals, on a flexible schedule, as well as regular social meals at the Day Centres.
Social support group & Individual Programs
Our clients are invited to participate in structured group activities including bus trips around Tasmania, exercise classes, social meals, walking groups and more. These activities support wellness, reablement, independent living and social interaction.
Our social support service offers individual support to clients either within the home or to improve access to community services and to promote community participation.